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Daily announcements are read over the PA each morning and afternoon on schools days.  These announcements include club activities, updates on athletic events and other school-related information for students. For more general news, go to the News & Announcements page or the Athletics & Activities page for athletics and extracurricular news.


3/15 Daily Announcements

March 15, 2018
By Karen Connick

Dance tickets will be sold during lunch all this week. Tickets are $10 and $15 at the door.


All Math team members meet today in room 23 during Community Period.


Juniors get your Kairos applications in as soon as possible, especially those planning to attend in August.


All baseball players please check the bulletin board by the Athletic Department office for next week's practice schedule.



 Key Club will meet today during Community period in room 24. Elections will be held. Candidates please have a brief speech prepared.


The Borderlinks Immersion Trip will have a very brief meeting tomorrow, Friday, at 7:30am.


Students traveling to South Dakota this summer, we have a meeting during community period today. 


Please consider making a snowman, or any snow sculpture on the grounds of Cheverus High School this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon.  To enter into the snow sculpture contest you and your team of up to three sculptors need to register with either Ms. King, Ms. Malm or Ms. Kravitz Jones, and pay $10 to have your sculpture judged by an expert panel of judges.  All sculptures need to be complete by 4:30 on Friday afternoon.