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Daily announcements are read over the PA each morning and afternoon on schools days.  These announcements include club activities, updates on athletic events and other school-related information for students. For more general news, go to the News & Announcements page or the Athletics & Activities page for athletics and extracurricular news.


5/20 Daily Announcements

May 20, 2019
By Karen Connick

Attention all Sophomores:
Tomorrow you will all be participating in your Community service Day.  There is a list in the cafeteria of where you will be assigned.  Please dress in appropriate work clothes and wear closed toe foot wear.  If you are assigned to a site that is outside please plan on clothing for any type of weather as well as work gloves. Please also plan on bringing your lunch and a water bottle. If you have not turned in your permission form please due so today to your theology teacher or bring it with you tomorrow.  If you are serving at Furniture and friends please bring in your additional release form and please bring work gloves. All sophomores will gather for mass after home room tomorrow.  You will be dismissed from there to your sites.
There will be a meeting for all interested volleyball players for next year during community period Thursday in Mr. Hartwell's room.
There will be a showing of the movie “Dawnland” tomorrow night at 5:45 in Ms. King's room.  Please consider attending this movie, it covers a very important and often overlooked aspect of Maine history.