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The Cheverus Digital Citizenship Policy encourages students to behave with the same respect for others, respect for self and respect for the school community during online and electronic interactions with the same standards set for face-to-face interactions elsewhere in this handbook.

Cheverus High School provides computer technology (i.e., computers, networks, and Internet access) to support its educational mission, to enhance curriculum, promote research, and to increase learning opportunities for students and staff.

The profile of the Grad at Grad promotes integrating technology into academic and personal life not for the technology itself but as a tool for intellectual and personal growth:

Intellectually Competent

  • Uses technology resources to support collaborative work for learning, problem solving, and communication.
  • Uses effectively a variety of media resources to acquire, create, and process information. Assesses media and content critically, attending, for example, to issues such as credibility of sources, values expressed or promoted, and civility and respect for persons.
  • Is beginning to understand the public policy implications of science and technology.

Committed to Doing Justice

  • Is beginning to understand the complexity of many social issues and the need for critical reading of diverse sources of information about them.

Open to Growth:

  • Understands the implications and hazards of technology-based activities, including issues of privacy, social isolation, access to pornography, and addictive use of technology itself.
  • Views emerging technology as potentially supportive to personal and professional growth.


Computer & Cell Phone Policies

Beginning with the Class of 2021, all students are required to have a laptop for school use. Students should bring their device to school each day fully charged.

There are many classes of machines, each class designed for specific uses. The device purchased should match student needs during their high school years.

Advanced Needs

If your student already programs computers, edits pictures or video, or pushes their computer to the limit, then consider a MacBook Pro or a Surface Pro with extra RAM. These devices cost over $1,200.

Everyday Needs

If your student mostly uses email, social media, and web surfing, a used or low-end MacBook Air ($500-$1000), a Chromebook ($150-$400), or a Windows laptop ($300-$600) will work in the classroom.

Other things to consider:

  • Don't buy for future needs. Technology devices change rapidly; buy for your needs now. A Surface Pro is a spectacular machine, but if you only use it for research and writing and social media, a Chromebook suffices. Purchase a laptop with the expectation that the device will last midway through senior year, at which point you should think about a replacement device to enter college.
  • Protect your device. A good case for the laptop is a necessity. Get a strong, padded case and carry it separately from all your books. Laptops stored in a backpack with 20 lbs of books will lead to damage.
  • Battery life is important. We expect the device to be used about four hours each day for writing or research. There are insufficient outlets in our classrooms to support charging for all students at once.
  • A screen no larger than 13” is recommended. Larger screens are heavy and consume a lot of power.
  • Insure your device(s). Many places offer insurance for your child's devices, both laptop and cell phone. Cell phone insurance typically runs $12/month when purchased through your carrier, but third-party insurance will cover both the laptop and cell phone for $9/month (example: ).
  • Unless directly instructed by a teacher in a classroom setting, students are not permitted to use cell phones anywhere on our campus during school hours. 
  • If a student needs to make or receive a phone call during school hours, they must do so in the Main Office only. 
  • During the school day laptop computers and devices such as iPads may be used in classroom settings as instructed by a teacher. 
  • Outside of classroom settings, if a student needs to use a laptop computer to work on an assignment during the school day, they may only do so in proctored locations (such as the library and the cafeteria) and only for the purpose of completing academic work. 

Consequences for violating this policy are as follows:

First Offense:

  • Confiscation of device
  • JUG assigned
  • Device will be returned when JUG is completed

Second Offense:

  • Confiscation of device
  • JUG assigned
  • Device will be returned to parent/guardian

Third Offense:

  • Student loses the privilege to carry device during the school-day


Students must respect the school’s computer equipment – including computers, printers, peripherals, etc. – and the devices of others by not damaging, moving, or vandalizing equipment. All Students are assigned a unique login and password for the Cheverus Network and must use their own login to access Cheverus computers in the classrooms, labs, and library. Students must not share passwords or alter another student’s password, background or files.  Abuse of computer equipment or peripherals belonging to Cheverus or vandalism or theft of another’s computer equipment or electronic device may result in JUG, loss of computer privileges, suspension, or expulsion.

When using Cheverus resources, students should give priority to academic endeavors.  Students may not play games on the Cheverus computers. Students are limited to 200 MB of storage on the Cheverus network. Files stored on the school’s network are school property and may be reviewed by network and school administrators when administrators deem it necessary.

  • Students are assigned a Cheverus email account ( which includes Google Apps for Education.
  • Students must use this account to correspond with teachers and coaches.
  • Students are responsible for checking their email accounts on a regular basis.  Students should not use another student’s account.
  • Information stored in the accounts is school property and may be viewed by network and school administrators when administrators deem it necessary. Abuse of email — including, but not limited to, using another student’s account or sending inappropriate or abusive messages — can result in JUG, loss of email privileges, suspension, or expulsion.